Credit Insight
Income Insight
Spectrum is a decentralised sharing network built on the foundation of blockchain distributed ledger technology. As part of their automated credit underwriting flow, it is a secured infrastructure for lenders to easily share respective customer lending activities as a safe data enrichment process
It is a fully managed service that provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log that can be used to track history and changes to the shared data in real-time.
Problem statement:
Traditional & alternative lending has been constantly threatened by constant losses or bad debt, stifling the potential growth in the market due to the following, but not limited to:
Real-Time fraud detection
Detect good credit behaviour of borrowers
Reduce over indebtedness
Automated reporting to the Credit Bureaus
Discounted pricing on usage
Rebate on total annual spend
Joint ownership between all stakeholders e.g NIBSS