Credit Insight
Income Insight
Credit Insight helps lenders in achieving their objectives of driving growth through client engagement and reduced operating costs.
Provide your borrowers with a consistent customer journey, and reduce the need for multiple interactions.
Credit Insight is more accurate at predicting the risk of default due to having better credit information.
Direct access to the borrower's credit history means you can have confidence in the validity and accuracy of the information.
Easily spot borrowers with performing or non-performing loan profiles or on a watchlist for bad repayment behaviors.
Generate business credit history from all credit bureau in a single search
Use the details from the business credit report provided by sources like the credit bureaus to guide your decision-making process.
Easily download a pdf copy of the business credit report when it is complete.
Easily share the downloaded business credit report with colleagues and other parties by email.
Generate individual credit history from all credit bureau in a single search
Use the details from the individual credit report provided by sources like the credit bureaus to guide your decision-making process.
Easily download a pdf copy of the individual credit report when it is complete.
Easily share the consolidated downloaded credit report by email.